Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Report of Development


Jurai Siwo English Club (JSEC) STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro is one of UKM in STAIN which is aimed improving the student’s English skill. Besides, JSEC helps the students facing the problem in lerning English so they can acquire English skill easly by trying to understand their difficulties in learning English for example, JSEC provides many activities which require its members to do and exercise it by speaking or making conversation. To sum up, JSEC is founded to spread an English virus among the students in STAIN especially for its members.
JSEC, initially, was supported by four division, but after MUSTA 2011, JSEC has four divisions,; developing, language, creativity, and human resources development (HRD) division which are supporting JSEC strongly until now.
Moreover, every division in JSEC is interrelated to reach the main goal of JSEC. Furthermore, developing has the responsibilities to increase and develop the student’s English ability. To commit those duties, Developing Division comprises of coordinator, secretary, treasure, and its members in conducting the jobs.
In 2013, Developing Divison has four projects, they are learning class. JSEC on Earth (JOE), participating English competition and JSEC community. Nevertheless, it is unavoidable that many obstacles appeared in running those activities. But, all of the members of developing division always looked for problem solving to face impediments together.
Then MUSTA VI is conducting today. The annual agenda which can bring JSEC better. However, this agenda is only the medium, the tool, and we are the driver. The success of this agenda, the bright future of JSEC is what we will have done this moment. So, let’s keep our solidarity, and always lighten up JSEC in our heart.


Learning Class
To increase English ability and share knowledge among the members of  JSEC
Members of JSEC
Three times a week
Developing division
JSEC community
To intensify the members’ skill for specific ability in competition which they have chosen
Members of JSEC
Once a week
Developing division
Participating English competition
To improve the member’s skill in English and to increase their loyalty for JSEC.
Members of JSEC

Developing division
JSEC on Earth (JOE)
To promote  STAIN and introduce JSEC in Lampung and also to give an achievement for all level of  students start from Junior up to university students who have participated in the competition held.
Junior to university students
Annual (may)
Chief of JSEC


1. For Learning Class
Being members of JSEC is not only how we can be an active member in organization but also how to develop our skill in English as the first purpose of joining this organization. Thus, developing division provides the member some circles or small group to share knowledge about English. Furthermore, this circle, or learning class is conducted with the simple syllabus about structure and grammar and four basics skill in English. This project is aimed at giving more knowledge and increasing the skill members. This activity, in addition is held three tomes a week. One circle consists of five to seven members and tutor. Unfortunately, in its process, there are many obstacles faced. The genera obstacle is about the difficulty to fix the time between the members and tutor. Also, the awareness of learning both of them also influences this project. Consequently, this project that must be able running well became disagreeable on the schedule because of those obstacles.

2. For JSEC Community.
JSEC has five communities, there are speech, debate, news casting, story telling, and scrabble. The members should chose at least one community based on their skill. Furthermore, there is a routine agenda being held once a week to sharpen the skill of each community. This agenda run well although there are some of the communities that face some obstacles.  

3. For Participating English Competition

4. JSEC On Earth (JOE)
This is the biggest event in JSEC. It is the English competition which is held for all the students in Lampung. This year, JSEC held JOE V which has erased branches of competition that is spelling bee. The competitions in this event are scrabble, story telling, speech senior high school and speech junior high school, news casting, and pop song. This event was conducted in STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro.

Developing division has been held all of programs, so there is no un conducted program.

 Although all programs of developing division have been held but in the other hand there are some obstacles when the programs run.
1.      The lack of being active of some members in developing division program, both in JSEC Friends and JSEC community.
2.       The lack of communication between the members of developing division.
3.      The delays of member when the developing division held meeting.
4.      The members of JSEC community have low motivation.
5.      The members of learning class have low anxiety to be active in learning program.

Base on the result of implementation if developing program, so it can be recommended as follows;
1.      For the next board of developing division should be able to make  a lesson plan for learning class. So the tutor has directive about what should they do and how should they do.
2.      For the next board of developing division should be able to determine the material and method of learning class to the member’s need.
3.      Interlace a solid team by developing effective communication.
4.      Prepare all of program as early as possible to avoid the program delays.
5.      For the next board of developing division should be guide all of members of JSEC so they know how to be an active members in JSEC.
6.      For the next board of developing division should be responsible on each job.
7.      For the next board of developing division should be an activate all of community to make a good human resources.

That’s all responsibility report of Developing Division of JSEC period 2013-2014 which have been made. I realize that this report is far from perfect but nevertheless we humbly present it as a part of my responsibility and my love to JSEC. As the coordinator of Developing Division, I do apologize to all of members of JSEC for my entire mistake.
      Last but not least, thank you for the members of Developing Division especially to Anita pratiwi as a treasure and Luluatun Ajizah as the secretary because of the work hand and also for all members of JSEC.  Thank you also for our beloved gude mam Trisna Dinillah Harya who always supports JSEC in every aspect.
Hopefully, JSEC can be better and always supports STAIN as Bilingual Campus JSEC(Lighten up your English)

Metro, December ,2014
Coordinator of Developing Division

                                                                                                      Dedi Setiawan
NPM 1175767

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